Thursday 11 September 2014

the call for urgent services on stingy budgets...

I am just thinking out loud.. This isn't to offend anyone.
But, why does everyone on every forum post the need for event planning, gifts, party favors and other things for birthdays.. Baby showers and bridal showers.. As well as anniversaries URGENTLY. I mean.. Don't these things get marked on the calendar ahead of time? Why the 11th hour?
And further.. Why must it be on a budget or inexpensive if it is urgently required. Someone's going to go into overdrive to get stuff sorted for you.. Is going to double time the efforts because someone else was lazy... And further it's probably a bespoke service!
Why do we hold back on paying where the money is due? To be wholely honest, I stopped bargaining with shop keepers and street vendors about 3 years ago. Unless I feel like the person is evidently taking me for a ride, I pay my bill as requested.
I love that our craft and design market has saturated and grown... But it's unfortunate that the psyche of consumers hasn't. Those who know the value of your work deserve to own it.. I didn't mention price.. I used the word value. And I didn't use the word afford, I used the word own... Both for a reason.

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